How to download free Mauritius images

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Welcome to Explora

The first Mauritian stock photo website dedicated to Mauritius photography. Explora provides a platform for photographers to share their work and for users to download HD photos for artworks or wallpapers.

How it works?

Search, vote, comment, share and download your photo. It’s as simple!

Why should I register?

Registration is free and will allow download of high-quality photos for your artworks, download HD wallpapers of Mauritius, comment any photo and receive news from Explora (optional). Follow these steps to register.

How to download?

Once registered and logged in, click on a photo to open its page then click the download button. If a download button is not available, then the photo is simply not available for download.

What is the download format?

The photos are in generally High definition 4K (4,000 px for the longest side).

Is there a download limit?

You can download up to 3 Free HD photos per day whether original image or wallpaper. After you reach the limit, you will only be able to resume download the next day. This is done in order to optimize bandwidth on our servers and to prevent abuse. 

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