How to upload image free on stock photo website

Photographers - where to start ?

Be a contributor

Why should I contribute?

Explora is looking for photographers to contribute and as such provides a platform for them to showcase their work and as such get more exposure to potential clients, it is also a way to share your love for photography to others. Visitors can as well comment and share your photos. You will have your own page (with a specific URL) where all your pictures will be displayed. Your page can also include a link to your website, Facebook page, Instagram account or whatever URL you have. This excludes links to commercial websites.

Can I remove my photos after publication?

Yes, we can disable you account and all your photos will be unpublished on Explora.

OK well! Where do I start?

Create an account using Sign In. If you need help follow these steps to register.

If you registered through the registration form without filling the Photographer's part or if you used the social logins, go to 'Edit my account' (using user icon), then fill in the Photographer's section. The activation of Photographer's account is done manually. Allow a few hours to 1 working day to get a confirmation email about that. Incomplete information may entail rejection.

Remember that you can update your account anytime using 'Edit my account'.

How can I upload my photos?

After confirmation that your photographer's account has been activated:

  1. click on the user icon, then on “Add new photo”.
  2. in the new window, type in an appropriate Title
  3. choose category “Photos”
  4. select the available tags and click on add. Please note that unavailable Tags might be added by moderators.
  5. include some contents relevant to your photo
  6. click on image Tab and click on browse to select you photo (ensure to comply to the image specifications for large images)
  7. In ‘Extra fields’ Tab, include your camera model.
  8. Click save when done. This process might take some 3m or more. So be patient.
  9. Once saved, you should get a message: “Thanks for submitting your photo.”
  10. The photo will then be submitted for moderation.

How long does it take for my photos to be online?

Generally, it takes 1-2 working days to moderate a photo. We need to optimize the photo for SEO i.e. for better visibility on the web and ensure that the photos comply to our policies. You can check the status of your photo on “Your Page”

If your photos are not accepted after submission, we shall try to provide a reason. Please take it a learning curve to make better photos and feel free to resubmit.

What kind of photos can I publish?

Some guideline, ensure that your photos are related to Mauritius and to either landscapes, animals, plants or portrait with landscape. Please refer to the Photo Guideline section.

Can I edit my photos or contents after submission?

Yes, you can, in the menu user icon, click on ‘My page’. From there you should see the “Edit photo” button for each photo listed. Note that edited photos will be unpublished and resubmitted for moderation.

Will visitors be able to download my photo?

Visitors may only download photos for which the download button is available. This download feature is not available by default. This feature only applies to photographers who have explicitly requested that their photos are downloadable and free to use under the Creative Common Licenses (BY) 4.0. Such request should be made in writing by the photographer.

Are my photos protected or will they belong to explora?

All photos are protected by our Terms of use which forbids any save, store or use of any content of the website if the download feature is unavailable. Your photos will remain your property all the time. Explora will never use your photo in anyway without your written consent. You may request deletion of your photos and your data on the website at any time in writing. Such deletion may take 2-4 weeks.

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