Mauritius photo of Goat posing in farm in Mauritius

Goat posing in farm in Mauritius

Photography by Photographer Kurt François
564 views  /  Date taken : Sat, Sep 17 2022
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Symbolic and even mystical animal, the goat has fed our imagination for thousands of years! Present in the milky way, it even has its astrological sign. Would you like to know all the symbols it has evoked throughout cultures and traditions? Follow us, we will tell you all the representations of the goat since the Ancient Greece until today. A word of advice: fasten your seatbelts, we are going to take off! In Chinese astrology, the Goat represents security, comfort, home and meticulous work. The Goat is an unconditional lover of beauty, a friend of the arts and loves its tranquility more than anything. At Soignon, we know one that should not be bothered unnecessarily, we guarantee it! The goat is referred to as Prakriti, the world's mother, in Indian mythology. That's quite a responsibility for a goat, isn't it? The esoteric tradition has the same view: a celestial goat nurtures the world and organizes the cosmos. According to ancestral stories from China, the goat also serves as an anvil to shape the lightning, source of fire. Finally, in the Nordic legends, in "Valhalla" (the Viking paradise), the valiant warriors drink goat's milk, it is truly an essential product recognized throughout the world! In our dreams, the goat symbolizes physical agility, love of freedom and obstinacy. To dream of a white goat would highlight our outspoken and spontaneous nature. It is also a sign of joy, robustness and endurance. It's a pretty good nighttime omen, don't you think? Goats are one of the livestock which are the most common in Mauritius.

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